Student awards

I love when my students win awards.  It gives me some credibility when I tell them that their work is meaningful beyond the confines of our lab 🙂

Here are some highlights:


-Allison Camp: First place. Best student talk, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, SICB annual meeting

-Monica Poteat: EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship (offered but declined due to delays in funding and Monica’s graduation date)


-The lab wins a clean sweep of student awards for best talks at the Carolinas SETAC meeting!!!!  First (Justin Conley), second (Allison Camp), and third place (Monica Poteat).

-Monica Poteat: SETAC Chris Lee/ICA award for metals research ($5K)


-Justin Conley: EPA STAR Fellowship Recipient ($126,000)
SETAC Chris Lee/ICA Award for Metals Research ($5K)
Best Oral Presentation in Applied Research, NABS/SFS Annual Meeting